Swinburne University
Swinburne University is a leading higher education provider in Australia, with three campuses spread across Melbourne. Working freelance as part of the Swinburne marketing and content development team as a Content Developer/Copywriter, I was able to write and develop content across a variety of media and channels. From physical pamphlets to website content, billboards, social media, and digital advertising.
Working primarily on larger Swinburne events such as the Career Practitioners' Seminar, Swinburne Open Day, and the Mid-Year Study Expo. My duties as a Content Developer spanned from the initial brainstorming stage through to implementation. Being part of the creative ideation behind major advertising campaigns was an exciting highlight of my contract.
Digital Advertising
Digital advertising executions aimed at increasing enrollment in courses and to be paired with events to increase attendance.
Find your link
Find the link between what you’re interested in and what you can study at Swinburne. The link device links the two beginning letters of the two words. The link is animated. Each word slides in from opposite sides of the screen and links up.
A static variation of the same concept
Variation for the same concept
Bring Your Future Into Focus
Animated digital execution with the Blurry text/image that clears up, revealing the name of a degree. Playing on the two meanings of focus. The Blur was designed to be blurry but still legible.
A static version of the concept with each image being it’s own single execution/image with black and white variations. But rather than an animation with two frames, this version conveys the same concept across two lines of a static
Enrolment Poster Series
Posters with ‘degree relevent’ taglines, putting forward the benefits of a particular degree within 1 line.
Winter Unit Enrolment
Digital advertising to increase student enrollment in subjects over the winter period. The main target audiences are current students, potential students who can start university “early” by not waiting until the start of the year, students who are behind on their degrees and can use the winter period to catch up, or students who are looking to get ahead.
Catch up, Make up, Speed Up
Addressing all main target audiences at once, putting forward the benefits of studying over the winter term. Two variations of execution, where the animated text appears on screen in a different order.
Loading Your Winter Units_Now
Using the loading bar visual to indicate student progress in their degree, and showing how they can get ahead or start early in the winter term and increase their bar.
Speed Up Your Degree_Now
Speed up your degree with Winter units. A “video within a video” is shown, with important moments of a student’s academic progress/university journey represented. The cursor then grabs the progress button or hits the fast-forward button and “speeds up the degree.”