Origin Energy: Main site & Blog

The Origin main site, https://www.originenergy.com.au, is constantly updated with new copy, from new deals to energy notices and award wins. Using WordPress, I would work with stakeholders and legal to write and edit copy for the main website.

The main website is designed to vary depending on region, showing only relevant information on a state-by-state basis. Writing for the main site required limiting copy to certain character limits, based on the widget/section the copy would appear, whilst conveying all the necessary information. A fun challenge in and of itself. Below are a few examples of sections I wrote and edited copy for.

Origin Energy: Blogs

Origin Blogs (https://www.originenergy.com.au/blog/) touch on a wide array of subjects tied to energy use, from tips and tricks on how to save on your energy bill to explanations of Origin's latest products and services to business reports and recipes. Below are links to a selection of blogs I have written for Origin, including the link to the website and the full blog provided.





